God’s love is bigger than our biggest mistakes

Youth devotional
Listen to audio [2:42mins]
Romans 3:23; 6:23
“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”

“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Contextual & Historical Background
Romans 3:23 and 6:23 hit hard: everyone messes up, and those mistakes—sin—come with serious consequences. But here’s the good news: God’s love is bigger than our biggest mistakes.

Paul wrote these words to the Christians in Rome to remind them of two big truths. First, nobody’s perfect; we all fall short. Second, God’s love and forgiveness through Jesus are the ultimate gifts. Paul wanted them (and us) to understand that we’re not stuck in our mistakes—there’s a way out through Jesus.
Why It Matters
Let’s be real—everyone makes mistakes. Maybe you’ve said something you regret or made a choice you wish you could take back. The thing is, sin (those wrong choices) separates us from God. But instead of leaving us stuck, God offers us a way out through Jesus.

What It Means Today: Life can feel overwhelming, especially when you mess up. But God’s grace means you don’t have to stay in that place of guilt. Jesus offers you forgiveness and a chance to start fresh every day.

Make It Personal: Think about an area in your life where you need a fresh start. Maybe it’s in your friendships, family, or even how you see yourself. God’s love is bigger than any mistake, and He’s ready to help you move forward.
Your Move
This week, take some quiet time to reflect on where you’ve been struggling. Talk to God about it and ask for His help to let go of those things and step into His forgiveness.

  • Example: Start each day this week with a simple prayer: “God, help me to live for You today and leave my mistakes behind.

Goal: Learn to lean on God’s grace every day. Trust that He’s got you covered and is always ready to help you live the life He’s calling you to.
“God, I know I mess up sometimes, but I’m so thankful for Your love and forgiveness. Help me to let go of my mistakes and trust in Your grace. Show me how to live for You every day and remind me that Your love never fails.

In the name of Jesus, amen.”