Youth: All in Him

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Colossians 2:9
“For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.”
Have you ever sung a song at church that stuck with you long after the service ended? Worship music has a way of making big truths about God feel real and personal. One song that does this beautifully is “It’s All in Him.” The lyrics boldly declare, “The mighty God is Jesus, and it’s all in Him!”

But what does that really mean? Why is it important to know who Jesus is and how He shows us God? In this Bible study, we’ll unpack these questions and see how knowing Jesus as the mighty God can change your life. Let’s dive in and discover the power behind this truth!
Understanding the One True God
In Bible times, people believed in all kinds of gods. The Egyptians worshipped the sun, the Nile River, and even animals. This way of thinking, called polytheism (believing in many gods), was normal for most cultures.

But Israel was different. They believed in one true God—a belief called monotheism. God made it clear to them: “You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:3). But even they struggled at times. When Moses went up Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments, the Israelites got impatient and made a golden calf to worship. Talk about forgetting who’s really in charge!

God has always wanted us to know Him as the one true God. That’s why He called Himself the “Most High God.” This title reminds us that He’s above everything and everyone else—completely unique and totally powerful.

Reflection Question: What are some things people today treat like “gods” (things they rely on or worship without realizing it)?

Jesus: God in Human Form
Hundreds of years before Jesus was born, the prophet Isaiah had some exciting news. He wrote:

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given… and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace”
(Isaiah 9:6)

Isaiah was saying that the baby born in Bethlehem wouldn’t just be any baby—He would be God Himself, coming to earth to save us. This wasn’t just a nice idea; it was a game-changer.

Paul Connects the Dots
In Colossians 2:9, Paul says, “For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.” This means everything about God—His power, wisdom, and love—was packed into Jesus.

Think of it like this: Imagine holding a snow globe. Inside, you see a tiny world, perfectly contained. Jesus is like that, except instead of holding just a world, He contains the fullness of God. He’s not just a part of God or a messenger—He is God.
Reflection Question: Why is it important to know that Jesus isn’t just a good teacher or prophet but God Himself?

When you realize Jesus is the mighty God, it makes worship way more meaningful. You’re not just singing words or going through the motions—you’re connecting with the Creator of the universe!
When you pray in Jesus’ name, you’re calling on the power of the one true God who can do anything. That’s pretty incredible, right?

Some people think God is distant, hard to understand, or split into parts. But the Bible shows us that Jesus brings everything together. He’s the image of the invisible God (Colossians 1:15). When you know Jesus, you know God.
Practical Applications
So, how do we live differently because of what we’ve learned? Here are three practical ways to apply this truth to your life:

A. Build on the Right Foundation
1 Corinthians 3:11 says, “For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” Imagine your life as a house. If you build it on things that don’t last—like popularity or material stuff—it won’t stand when life gets tough. But if Jesus is your foundation, your life will be strong and steady.

Action Step: Take time this week to think about what you’re building your life on. Is it centered on Jesus, or are you focused on things that won’t last?

B. Trust the Power of the Name of Jesus
Philippians 2:10 says, “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow.” The name of Jesus isn’t just a name—it’s powerful! When you pray in His name, you’re calling on the Creator, Redeemer, and King of Kings.

Action Step: This week, try starting and ending your prayers with the name of Jesus. See how it changes your confidence in prayer.

C. Be Bold About Your Faith
Knowing Jesus is the mighty God gives you the courage to live for Him. You don’t have to be afraid of standing out or being different. When you live for God, your life becomes a light in a world that desperately needs hope.

Action Step: Look for one way this week to show your faith—maybe it’s inviting a friend to church, sharing a Bible verse, or just being kind in a tough situation.
Final Thoughts: It’s All in Him
The Bible is clear: Jesus is the mighty God. He’s the Creator, Savior, and the one who holds everything together. When you know this, it changes how you live. You start to see every part of your life—your worship, your choices, and even your struggles—through the lens of who Jesus is.

This week, let’s commit to living like we believe it’s all in Him. Let’s worship Him, build our lives on Him, and share His truth with others. Because when we put Jesus at the center, everything else falls into place.