Down from His glory
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Philippians 2:10–11
“That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
What would you do if you had the chance to glimpse God’s glory? Would you be in awe of His majesty or overwhelmed by His greatness? For Moses, the desire to see God’s glory was so strong he boldly asked for it. But as incredible as that moment was, the most amazing display of God’s glory didn’t happen on Mount Sinai—it happened in a stable in Bethlehem.
The Creator of the universe, the one who spoke stars into existence, stepped down into His creation as a humble baby named Jesus. Why would God choose such a humble entrance? And what does this teach us about how we should live?
In this devotional, we’ll explore how God’s glory and humility come together in Jesus Christ.
The Creator of the universe, the one who spoke stars into existence, stepped down into His creation as a humble baby named Jesus. Why would God choose such a humble entrance? And what does this teach us about how we should live?
In this devotional, we’ll explore how God’s glory and humility come together in Jesus Christ.
Moses’ Bold Prayer
In Exodus 33:18, Moses prayed, “Please, show me Your glory.” Moses had already seen incredible things—God’s power in the plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, and daily manna in the wilderness. But he wanted more. He craved a deeper relationship with God, a closer encounter with His presence.
God responded with kindness, allowing Moses to see a glimpse of His goodness. He protected Moses in a crevice of rock and revealed only His back, knowing that Moses couldn’t survive seeing His full glory.
This moment reminds us that God’s glory is overwhelming but also personal. He desires to reveal Himself to those who hunger for Him.
Reflection Question: Are you willing to passionately pursue a deeper relationship with God, even if it takes bold prayers and greater commitment?
God’s Glory in Creation
We may not stand on Mount Sinai, but God still shows us His glory every day. It’s in the fiery hues of a sunrise, the vast expanse of a starlit sky, and the intricate design of nature. Each glimpse of beauty is an invitation to worship.
Reflection Question: What are some ways you’ve seen God’s glory in the world around you?
In Exodus 33:18, Moses prayed, “Please, show me Your glory.” Moses had already seen incredible things—God’s power in the plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, and daily manna in the wilderness. But he wanted more. He craved a deeper relationship with God, a closer encounter with His presence.
God responded with kindness, allowing Moses to see a glimpse of His goodness. He protected Moses in a crevice of rock and revealed only His back, knowing that Moses couldn’t survive seeing His full glory.
This moment reminds us that God’s glory is overwhelming but also personal. He desires to reveal Himself to those who hunger for Him.
Reflection Question: Are you willing to passionately pursue a deeper relationship with God, even if it takes bold prayers and greater commitment?
God’s Glory in Creation
We may not stand on Mount Sinai, but God still shows us His glory every day. It’s in the fiery hues of a sunrise, the vast expanse of a starlit sky, and the intricate design of nature. Each glimpse of beauty is an invitation to worship.
Reflection Question: What are some ways you’ve seen God’s glory in the world around you?
A Humble Entrance
Imagine being the King of Kings but entering the world in a stable, surrounded by animals. That’s exactly how Jesus came. There was no palace, no royal celebration—just a young couple and a humble beginning.
The Jews expected their Messiah to arrive with power and majesty, overthrowing oppressors and restoring their nation. Instead, God’s plan was different. Jesus came quietly, born to a virgin, laid in a manger, and raised in an ordinary home.
Philippians 2:6–8 explains this humility: “Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men.”
God’s choice to humble Himself shows us how far He was willing to go to save us.
Reflection Question: What are some ways you can show humility in your relationships or daily life?
Fully God, Fully Human
Jesus wasn’t just a good teacher or prophet—He was fully God and fully human. This is what we mean by the Incarnation.
As God, Jesus had all the power in the universe. As a human, He experienced hunger, tiredness, and even temptation. But unlike us, He lived a sinless life.
This dual nature allowed Jesus to bridge the gap between God and humanity. He could feel our struggles and carry the weight of our sin, all while being the holy and perfect Savior we needed.
Reflection Question: Why is it important to understand that Jesus was both fully God and fully human?
Jesus’ Example in Action
Throughout His life, Jesus modeled humility. He washed His disciples’ feet, spent time with outcasts, and forgave those who hurt Him. His focus was always on loving God and loving people, even when it cost Him everything.
Philippians 2:8 tells us Jesus “humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.”
If the King of Glory can humble Himself to serve others, how much more should we?
Reflection Question: How can you show Christlike humility to someone in your life this week?
Love God, Love People
Jesus summed up the entire law with two commandments: “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind” and “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37–39).
This isn’t just a nice idea—it’s a call to action. Loving God means putting Him first in your life, and loving others means serving them with kindness, patience, and grace.
Reflection Question: Who in your life needs to experience God’s love through you?
Living Out the Message
So, how do we apply these lessons from Jesus’ humility to our own lives? Here are some practical steps:
A. Practice Humility in Relationships
Look for ways to put others first. Maybe it’s helping a sibling with homework, listening to a friend who’s struggling, or admitting when you’re wrong. Humility isn’t about thinking less of yourself—it’s about thinking of yourself less.
Action Step: This week, find one opportunity each day to serve someone else without expecting anything in return.
B. Embrace Sacrifice
Following Jesus often means giving up our own comfort, pride, or plans. But just like Jesus’ sacrifice brought life, our sacrifices can make a difference in the lives of others.
Action Step: Identify one area where you can give sacrificially—whether it’s your time, energy, or resources—and commit to it this week.
C. Use Your Platform Wisely
Social media is a powerful tool. Instead of using it to promote yourself, why not use it to encourage others or share God’s love?
Action Step: Post a Scripture, a prayer, or a message of hope on your social media this week.
Imagine being the King of Kings but entering the world in a stable, surrounded by animals. That’s exactly how Jesus came. There was no palace, no royal celebration—just a young couple and a humble beginning.
The Jews expected their Messiah to arrive with power and majesty, overthrowing oppressors and restoring their nation. Instead, God’s plan was different. Jesus came quietly, born to a virgin, laid in a manger, and raised in an ordinary home.
Philippians 2:6–8 explains this humility: “Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men.”
God’s choice to humble Himself shows us how far He was willing to go to save us.
Reflection Question: What are some ways you can show humility in your relationships or daily life?
Fully God, Fully Human
Jesus wasn’t just a good teacher or prophet—He was fully God and fully human. This is what we mean by the Incarnation.
As God, Jesus had all the power in the universe. As a human, He experienced hunger, tiredness, and even temptation. But unlike us, He lived a sinless life.
This dual nature allowed Jesus to bridge the gap between God and humanity. He could feel our struggles and carry the weight of our sin, all while being the holy and perfect Savior we needed.
Reflection Question: Why is it important to understand that Jesus was both fully God and fully human?
Jesus’ Example in Action
Throughout His life, Jesus modeled humility. He washed His disciples’ feet, spent time with outcasts, and forgave those who hurt Him. His focus was always on loving God and loving people, even when it cost Him everything.
Philippians 2:8 tells us Jesus “humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.”
If the King of Glory can humble Himself to serve others, how much more should we?
Reflection Question: How can you show Christlike humility to someone in your life this week?
Love God, Love People
Jesus summed up the entire law with two commandments: “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind” and “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37–39).
This isn’t just a nice idea—it’s a call to action. Loving God means putting Him first in your life, and loving others means serving them with kindness, patience, and grace.
Reflection Question: Who in your life needs to experience God’s love through you?
Living Out the Message
So, how do we apply these lessons from Jesus’ humility to our own lives? Here are some practical steps:
A. Practice Humility in Relationships
Look for ways to put others first. Maybe it’s helping a sibling with homework, listening to a friend who’s struggling, or admitting when you’re wrong. Humility isn’t about thinking less of yourself—it’s about thinking of yourself less.
Action Step: This week, find one opportunity each day to serve someone else without expecting anything in return.
B. Embrace Sacrifice
Following Jesus often means giving up our own comfort, pride, or plans. But just like Jesus’ sacrifice brought life, our sacrifices can make a difference in the lives of others.
Action Step: Identify one area where you can give sacrificially—whether it’s your time, energy, or resources—and commit to it this week.
C. Use Your Platform Wisely
Social media is a powerful tool. Instead of using it to promote yourself, why not use it to encourage others or share God’s love?
Action Step: Post a Scripture, a prayer, or a message of hope on your social media this week.
Final Thoughts: A Call to Humility
Jesus’ journey from heaven to earth is the ultimate example of humility. He gave up everything so that we could be saved. And now, He calls us to follow His example—loving God wholeheartedly and serving others with humility.
As you go through this week, take time to reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice and how it challenges you to live differently. Whether it’s through your relationships, your actions, or your worship, let humility guide you closer to God and others.
Posted in Adult devotionals