Youth: Down from His glory

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Philippians 2:10–11
“That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
Have you ever thought about how far someone would go to help someone else? Imagine giving up everything you have just to help someone in need. That’s exactly what Jesus did when He left heaven to come to earth. The story of Jesus isn’t just about miracles and teachings—it’s about God choosing humility to show His love for us.

Let’s explore what it means that Jesus stepped “down from His glory” and how His example can teach us to live with humility, love, and purpose.

Moses’ Bold Prayer
In the book of Exodus, Moses asked God for something bold—he prayed, “Please, show me Your glory” (Exodus 33:18). Moses had already seen God do amazing things, like parting the Red Sea and providing manna in the desert. But he wanted more—he wanted to know God even better.

God answered Moses by showing him a glimpse of His glory. He placed Moses in a crevice of a rock and covered him with His hand. Moses couldn’t see God’s face—it was too powerful—but God let him see His back as He passed by.

This moment shows us that God wants us to know Him, but we must also be hungry for more of Him, just like Moses was.

Think About It: How can you pray boldly like Moses this week to grow closer to God?

God’s Glory in Creation
Even if we haven’t had a moment like Moses, God shows us His glory in creation every day. Have you ever been amazed by a sunset, the stars, or the beauty of nature? These are glimpses of God’s greatness and reminders of how much He loves us.

Reflection Question: What’s one way you’ve experienced God’s glory in the world around you?

A Humble Entrance
Now imagine the Creator of the universe stepping into His creation. Jesus, who was with God and was God, left heaven to come to earth as a baby. Not in a palace, but in a stable surrounded by animals. Not laid in a golden crib, but in a feeding trough.

The world wasn’t ready for Him. There was no room for Him in the inn when He was born, and many people rejected Him throughout His life. But Jesus came anyway. Why? Because He loved us that much.

Philippians 2:6–8 explains: “Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being.”

Jesus chose humility for you.

Reflection Question: What’s one way you can practice humility in your daily life?

Fully God, Fully Human
One of the coolest things about Jesus is that He was fully God and fully human at the same time. As God, He could perform miracles like calming storms and raising the dead. But as a human, He got tired, hungry, and even tempted, just like us.

Jesus understands what it’s like to struggle, but He also showed us how to overcome. Because He lived without sin, He became the perfect Savior we needed.

Reflection Question: Why is it important to know that Jesus understands what you go through?

Jesus’ Example in Action
Throughout His life, Jesus showed humility by serving others. He washed His disciples’ feet, spent time with people others avoided, and forgave those who hurt Him. Even when He had every reason to act like a king, He chose to act like a servant.

This is what makes Jesus so amazing. He didn’t just talk about love and humility—He lived it.
Think About It: How can you follow Jesus’ example and serve someone this week?

Love God, Love People

When someone asked Jesus what the most important commandment was, He answered with two simple rules:

  1. Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind.
  2. Love your neighbor as yourself.

This is what being a Christian is all about—loving God and loving others. It’s not always easy, but when we follow these commandments, we’re living like Jesus.

Reflection Question: Who is one person in your life who needs to see God’s love through you?

Living Out the Message
So, how can we take what we’ve learned from Jesus’ humility and put it into practice?

A. Serve Others
Look for ways to help someone, even if it’s something small like holding a door, offering a kind word, or helping a friend with homework. Serving others shows humility and love.

Action Step: This week, find one way to serve someone each day.

B. Sacrifice for Others
Jesus gave up so much for us. What’s one thing you can give up for someone else? Maybe it’s your time, energy, or resources.

Action Step: Think of one way you can sacrifice for someone this week—like helping a sibling or giving your time to someone who needs it.

C. Use Your Voice
Social media is a powerful tool. Instead of using it just for selfies or memes, why not use it to share hope or encouragement?

Action Step: Post a Scripture or a message of hope on your social media this week.

Final Thoughts: Following Jesus' Example
Jesus came down from His glory to show us the ultimate example of humility and love. He gave up everything so we could have everything. And now, He calls us to do the same—love God with all we have and love others with all we are.

This week, think about how you can reflect Jesus’ humility in your words, actions, and choices. Even small acts of love and service can make a big impact when they come from a heart that’s following Jesus.