Precious name of Jesus

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Acts 4:12
"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."

God’s Name Reveals His Nature and Character
Throughout Scripture, God revealed His nature through His names:
  • Jehovah-Jireh (The Lord Will Provide): God’s provision for Abraham points to His ultimate provision of salvation through Jesus.
  • Jehovah-Shalom (The Lord Is Peace): God’s assurance to Gideon reminds us of the peace Jesus offers to those who trust in Him (John 14:27).
  • Jehovah-Rapha (The Lord Who Heals): Just as God healed Israel, Jesus brings physical and spiritual healing today.

Each name reflected a different facet of God’s character, all leading to the ultimate revelation of His name in Jesus.

Think about how your name reflects your identity. In the same way, God’s names reveal who He is and His deep desire to be personally known by His people.

God’s name is more than a title—it’s an invitation to know Him intimately. He provides, heals, and fights for us, showing He desires a personal connection with His people. When Jesus revealed Himself as Emmanuel (“God with us”), He bridged the gap between heaven and earth.

When facing an impossible situation, calling on The name of Jesus reminds us that He is present, powerful, and working for our good.

God’s name is sacred and should be honored. The commandment not to take His name in vain (Exodus 20:7) reflects the reverence His name deserves.

The Meaning of the Name Jesus
Jesus means "Yahweh saves." It encapsulates God’s mission to redeem humanity. An angel revealed to Mary and Joseph that Jesus would save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21). Jesus fulfilled the prophetic names of God, including Emmanuel (“God with us”) and Prince of Peace.

The name of Jesus is not just another name—it carries the power of salvation (Acts 4:12). By His name, we are forgiven, healed, and made new (II Corinthians 5:17). His blood cleanses us from sin and gives us new life.

Imagine being trapped in guilt or shame, and through The name of Jesus, experiencing the freedom of forgiveness and a fresh start. Calling on The name of Jesus is a declaration of faith and trust in His power. When Paul encountered Jesus on the Damascus road, his life was transformed. Baptism in The name of Jesus became a testimony of his faith (Acts 22:16).

The name of Jesus gives access to all of God’s promises. Peter healed a lame man by declaring the power of The name of Jesus (Acts 3:6)

Final Thoughts:
  • The name of Jesus is our identity: We are called by His name, and through it, we have salvation and new life.
  • The name of Jesus is our authority: Every prayer, act of faith, and spiritual victory flows from His name.
  • The name of Jesus is our mission: Sharing the name of Jesus is sharing hope, love, and eternal life with a world in need.

Action for the week - take one intentional step to honor the name of Jesus:
  • Speak His name in prayer over a specific need.
  • Share your testimony of how The name of Jesus has transformed your life with someone who needs encouragement.
  • Meditate on Scriptures about the name of Jesus and reflect on its meaning in your life.