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Finding power and boldness through Jesus

Oct 21, 2024

Context Introduction:

In Acts 19, Paul meets a group of disciples who had been following John the Baptist’s teachings but didn’t fully understand what Jesus had done. Paul explains to them that being baptized in the name of Jesus and receiving the Holy Spirit is part of God’s full plan for our lives. After they obeyed, their lives were changed, and Paul’s ministry in Ephesus continued to grow. This study guide will focus on three key lessons: getting baptized in the name of Jesus, the power of the Holy Spirit, and having the courage to share Jesus with others.

Why Baptism in the name of Jesus Matters

Key Scripture: Acts 19:2–5

What’s Happening:

When Paul got to Ephesus, he found some people who believed in God but had only been baptized by John the Baptist. They hadn’t been baptized in the name of Jesus or received the Holy Spirit yet. Paul explained that John’s baptism was only part of the story. They needed to be baptized in the name of Jesus to complete their commitment to God. As soon as they heard this, they were baptized in the name of Jesus.

Think About It:

Baptism is more than just a church tradition; it’s part of God’s plan for us. Being baptized in the name of Jesus shows our commitment to Him and is an important step in our faith. Have you been baptized in the name of Jesus? If not, what’s stopping you from making that choice?

Pray About It:

Ask Jesus to help you understand the importance of being baptized in His name. Pray for courage to take this next step if you haven’t already, and thank Him for His salvation and love.

The Power of the Holy Spirit

Key Scripture: Acts 19:6–7

What’s Happening:

After the disciples were baptized in the name of Jesus, Paul prayed for them, and they received the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit came on them, they spoke in tongues and prophesied. This was a powerful moment, showing that the Holy Spirit isn’t just for some people—it’s for everyone who believes in Jesus and follows Him.

Think About It:

The Holy Spirit gives us the power to live for Jesus. It’s not just about going to church or saying the right things—it’s about being filled with God’s presence and letting Him lead our lives. Have you experienced the Holy Spirit? Do you rely on Him to help you make decisions and live for God?

Pray About It:

Pray for the Holy Spirit to fill your life with His power. Ask Jesus to help you trust the Holy Spirit’s guidance in everything you do, and if you haven’t received the Holy Spirit yet, ask for that experience.

Being Bold in Sharing Jesus

Key Scripture: Acts 19:8–10

What’s Happening:

Paul didn’t stop with just a few people—he kept preaching about Jesus for months, even when some people didn’t like what he had to say. When the opposition grew too much, he moved to another place, but he didn’t quit. He stayed in Ephesus for two years, and eventually, everyone in the area heard about Jesus.

Think About It:

Talking about Jesus can be tough, especially when people don’t want to hear it. But Paul’s story reminds us that it’s important to keep sharing, even when it’s hard. Are there times when you’ve felt nervous or unsure about sharing your faith? How can you take steps to be more bold in talking about Jesus?

Pray About It:

Ask Jesus to give you the courage to talk about Him, even when it’s tough. Pray for the strength to keep sharing your faith with others, trusting that He’ll give you the right words and opportunities.

Conclusion and Wrap-Up:

Paul’s encounter with the disciples in Acts 19 reminds us of the importance of following God’s full plan—being baptized in the name of Jesus, receiving the Holy Spirit, and sharing Jesus with others. These aren’t just religious ideas—they’re life-changing experiences that give us power and purpose. Like Paul, we’re called to live boldly for Jesus and share His love with the world.

Let us finish with a word of prayer - Jesus, thank You for Your plan for our lives—baptism in Your name, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the mission to share Your love. Help us follow You fully, trusting You in everything. Give us courage to be bold in our faith and to tell others about the amazing things You’ve done. Fill us with Your Spirit and guide us every day. 

In the name of Jesus, amen.