The Whole Armor of God: Our Daily Defense
by Media Ministry on March 3rd, 2025
The book of Ephesians was written by the Apostle Paul around A.D. 60-62 while he was imprisoned in Rome. This epistle is one of Paul’s "Prison Epistles," alongside Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. Despite being physically confined, Paul's spirit remained unshaken as he continued to encourage and equip the early church. Ephesus was a bustling, influential city in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey), known for its trade, culture, and the massive temple of Artemis—one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It was also a hub for various philosophical ideas and pagan practices. As Christianity spread in such an environment, believers faced both external persecution and internal spiritual struggles. Paul wrote this letter to strengthen the Ephesians' faith, reminding them of their identity in Christ and the spiritual resources available to them. The imagery of the "whole armor of God" in Ephesians 6:10-18 was not random; Paul was likely inspired by the Roman soldiers who guarded him during his imprisonment. These soldiers wore armor daily—not just during battle but as part of their routine readiness. For present-day believers, Paul's message is just as vital. Our world is saturated with ideologies, temptations, and challenges that can easily shake our faith. The spiritual battle Paul described continues today, though it may look different. Anxiety, doubt, temptation, and conflict are still weapons the enemy uses to weaken us. The armor of God remains our defense—a timeless provision from God to help us stand firm. Paul’s call to "be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might" (Ephesians 6:10) is a reminder that our strength doesn’t come from ourselves but from God. Just as the Ephesians needed to stand firm in a culture opposed to their faith, we, too, must stand resilient amid modern-day challenges.   Read More
Grace Given, Grace Gained: The Story of Zacchaeus
by Media Ministry on February 24th, 2025
The story of Zacchaeus in Luke 19:1-10 paints a vivid picture of grace in action. Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector—wealthy, influential, yet deeply despised. He was considered a traitor to his people, a man whose greed had made him an outcast. And yet, something stirred within him when he heard that Jesus was passing through Jericho. Despite his status, Zacchaeus climbed a sycamore tree just to catch a glimpse of Jesus. This act alone was extraordinary—an important man humbling himself like a child. Jesus, seeing beyond Zacchaeus’ reputation and sin, called him down and invited Himself to his home. This single encounter changed Zacchaeus’ life forever. He repented, made restitution, and found salvation. Ephesians 2:4-8 connects beautifully with Zacchaeus’ story. Paul describes how, though we were spiritually dead in our sins, God made us alive with Christ. This transformation is not because of anything we have done but because of His great love and mercy. Grace is not something we achieve; it is something we receive. Like Zacchaeus, we are invited into a relationship with Jesus—not because we deserve it, but because He chooses us. Just as Jesus extended grace to Zacchaeus, God extends His grace to us. No matter how lost we may feel, how broken our past, or how unworthy we think we are, His grace reaches us. This is the heart of the gospel—salvation is a gift, freely given, meant to transform us just as it transformed Zacchaeus. Grace is the unmerited favor of God—it is His goodness extended to us, not because of anything we have done but because of who He is. It is grace that calls us out of darkness, grace that forgives our sins, and grace that empowers us to live a life of holiness.   Read More
Pilate's Pride and Powerlessness Before The Prince of Peace
by Media Ministry on February 17th, 2025
Have you ever been in a situation where you felt powerless? Maybe it was a school or work environment where you had no say, or maybe you were pressured into making a choice you knew was wrong. The story of Pilate and Jesus in John 19 is a powerful reminder that, even when life feels out of control, God is always in charge. John 19:1-16 presents a series of dramatic events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion. Pilate, the Roman governor, found himself in a difficult position. He knew Jesus was innocent, yet he was caught between justice and the overwhelming pressure of the Jewish leaders and the angry crowd. The chapter unfolds with Jesus being scourged, mocked with a crown of thorns, and presented before the people in a humiliating display. Despite his repeated attempts to release Jesus, Pilate ultimately succumbed to fear and public demand, handing Jesus over to be crucified. Pilate represents the struggle many of us face when confronted with difficult choices. Will we stand for what is right, even when it costs us? Or will we compromise to avoid conflict? The answer to this question defines the strength of our faith and our commitment to Christ.  Read More
Jesus or Barabbas? The Eternal Choice Between Redemption and Rebellion
by Media Ministry on February 10th, 2025
Every day, we are faced with choices—some small, like what to eat for breakfast, and some life-altering, like choosing between right and wrong. But few choices in history have been as significant as the one made by the crowd in Jerusalem: to release Barabbas, a criminal, instead of Jesus, the Son of God. This moment was not just a tragic misunderstanding or a politically motivated decision—it was a direct illustration of the gospel message. The choice of Barabbas over Jesus is symbolic of humanity’s natural tendency to reject God’s ways. It forces us to ask ourselves: Are we making the same mistake in our daily lives? Are we choosing sin, comfort, or worldly desires over Christ? This devotional will take a deep look at this historic decision, the meaning of Jesus’ sacrifice, and how we, too, are given the choice to follow Him wholeheartedly.   Read More
Even Peter: The Journey from Denial to Restoration
by Media Ministry on February 3rd, 2025
Imagine a moment when you’ve disappointed someone deeply—a friend, a family member, or even yourself. Perhaps it was a promise you broke, a fear you let control you, or a decision that hurt someone you love. This is the story of Peter’s denial of Jesus, a moment of failure that could have defined him forever. Yet, Peter’s story didn’t end with his denial. Instead, it became a testimony of God’s grace, a tale of restoration, and an example for us to follow. Peter’s journey reminds us that even when we falter, God provides a way back to Him. Let’s dive deeper into the lessons we can learn from Peter’s denial, how it contrasts with Judas’ betrayal, and how these examples speak to us today.  Read More
Grace in the Garden: Jesus' Love Amid Betrayal
by Media Ministry on January 27th, 2025
This passage captures a pivotal moment in Jesus’ journey to the cross. It’s the night of His betrayal, and Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsemane, a place He often retreated to for prayer and fellowship with His disciples. The weight of His mission is bearing down on Him. Judas, one of His twelve hand-picked disciples, has chosen to betray Him, leading Roman soldiers and religious leaders to arrest Him. Historically, the Jewish leaders saw Jesus as a threat. His teachings, miracles, and growing following challenged their authority and disrupted the status quo. Judas, disillusioned and greedy, became the tool for their plans. This betrayal happened during Passover, a time when Jewish people celebrated God’s deliverance from Egypt. The irony is profound: while they celebrated deliverance, they prepared to arrest and crucify the ultimate Deliverer. The soldiers’ response to Jesus’ declaration, “I am he,” is equally telling. At His words, they fell backward to the ground, a physical manifestation of His divine authority. This event highlights Jesus’ sovereignty even as He willingly surrendered to fulfill God’s plan of salvation.  Read More
Prison Break: Trusting God for Miraculous Deliverance
by Media Ministry on January 20th, 2025
There’s something about stories of escape that captivates us. Whether it’s a dramatic prison break in a movie or a real-life rescue story, the idea of freedom from impossible circumstances stirs our hearts. But no Hollywood screenplay can compare to the miraculous prison break in Acts 12, where God Himself intervenes to rescue Peter from certain death. This story reminds us that no matter how trapped we feel—by circumstances, fear, or even our own mistakes—God’s power is greater. It invites us to trust Him, not only for deliverance but also for the faith and obedience needed to walk into the freedom He provides.  Read More
Joppa's Miracle: When Death Meets Divine Power
by Media Ministry on January 13th, 2025
In the bustling port city of Joppa, a woman named Tabitha (also called Dorcas) was well-known for her kindness and generosity. She wasn’t a preacher, nor did she perform grand miracles. Yet, her life left a profound mark on her community. But then tragedy struck—Tabitha fell ill and died. What follows is one of the most miraculous moments recorded in the book of Acts: a moment where death is confronted and defeated by the power of God.  Read More
Anyone, Anywhere: The Miracle of Salvation
by Media Ministry on January 6th, 2025
The story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch, recorded in Acts 8, is one of the most remarkable illustrations of how God’s salvation transcends human barriers. It’s a story of divine orchestration, personal faith, and the miraculous nature of salvation. For the young adult seeking a deeper understanding of God’s love and grace, this passage offers a profound message: salvation is for anyone, anywhere.  Read More
Worth more than gold
by Julian Santiago on December 30th, 2024
What would you say is worth more than gold? For the man in Acts 3, who had spent his life begging at the Temple gate, the answer came in the form of a miracle. His story reminds us that while material possessions may sustain us for a moment, the miraculous power of God changes everything...  Read More
Youth: Worth more than gold
by Julian Santiago on December 30th, 2024
Have you ever wished for something so badly, thinking it would solve all your problems, only to discover later that you needed something completely different? That’s exactly what happened to a man in Acts 3...  Read More
Precious name of Jesus
by Julian Santiago on December 29th, 2024
God’s name is more than a title—it’s an invitation to know Him intimately. He provides, heals, and fights for us, showing He desires a personal connection with His people. When Jesus revealed Himself as Emmanuel (“God with us”), He bridged the gap between heaven and earth...  Read More